Gunasekhar’s last film, Rudhramadevi collected 50 Crore share but is still a loss venture due to to ultra high costs involved. Back then, Gunasekhar used real Gold ornaments for the movie. Now Krish is also doing the same.
40 Kilograms of Gold will be used to make the ornaments that will be used for his upcoming film with Balakrishna. The other day, director Krish revealed that his next film with Balakrishna, Gautamiputra Sathakarani will be made with 50 Crores budget. This is the costliest budget in Balayya’s career and way beyond the actor’s market.
But Krish is very confident of the script in hand and he feels there is no risk involved. Nayantara is almost confirmed as the first heroine. Kajal Aggarwal may be playing the second heroine. The regular shooting of the film will begin in the first week of May.
Currently, the film is in its pre-production phase and Krish is giving the final touches to the script and finalizing the locations. We are said that the major schedule of the film will be canned in African country, Morocco.
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