Acclaimed Telugu film director Krish has yesterday night tied the knot at a glittering ceremony in Golconda Resorts, Hyderabad.
Many from film and political fields graced the event to congratulate and bless the newly-wed couple. Krish married a Hyderabad-based lady, Ramya Sai, who works as a doctor at Apollo Hospital. It was an arranged marriage. Earlier, Krish sent a wholehearted wedding invitation to all the dignitaries requesting them to attend his wedding to bless him.
On the work front, after a short gap, Krish will resume the shooting of Balakrishna Nandamuri’s 100th film ‘Gauthamiputra Sathakarni’. The film has already completed schedules in Morocco and Georgia. A huge set has been erected in Hyderabad in which a new schedule will begin shortly.
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