Telangana’s BRS Working President and former minister, K.T. Rama Rao (KTR), appeared before the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Thursday morning for an inquiry into alleged misappropriation of public funds related to the Formula E car racing event. KTR has been named as Accused No. 1 (A1) in the case, with senior IAS officer Arvind Kumar listed as A2 and former HUDA Chief Engineer B.L.N. Reddy as A3.
KTR agreed to attend the inquiry after receiving a notice from ACB. However, during his initial visit, he withdrew from participating when his lawyer was denied entry into the inquiry room. KTR subsequently approached the Telangana High Court, which ruled that lawyers could not be present in the inquiry room but could wait outside to ensure due process. Acting on this ruling, KTR appeared again on Thursday, accompanied by his lawyer Ramachandra Rao. A three-member ACB team, led by Director Tarun Joshi, was tasked with conducting the inquiry.
Speculation over a possible arrest has sparked significant unrest among BRS supporters, with large crowds gathering outside KTR’s residence. Early Thursday, a massive convoy of party loyalists followed KTR’s vehicle as he made his way to the ACB office, creating a charged atmosphere across Hyderabad.
The inquiry’s outcome remains uncertain, with heightened tension among BRS members. While a return home would bring relief, an arrest could lead to widespread protests by party workers.
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