Former IT Minister of Telangana, K. T. Rama Rao (KTR), is embroiled in a legal battle as the Telangana government alleges his involvement in the controversial Formula E case. Amidst an ongoing investigation by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) and Enforcement Directorate (ED), KTR had filed a quash petition in the Telangana High Court, seeking to dismiss the charges.
However, the court’s decision did not favor KTR, as it dismissed the quash petition, allowing the investigation to proceed without any hindrances. This ruling grants the ACB and ED the green light to continue their inquiries into the matter. As a result, KTR is now obligated to cooperate with the investigating agencies by providing all necessary information.
In a related development, the ACB has issued a notice for KTR to appear before them for questioning on January 9. Interestingly, the investigation agency has requested that KTR come in without any legal support group, adding a layer of intrigue to the unfolding case. As the investigation intensifies, KTR’s next steps will be closely watched.
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