Actor Nani’s Krishna Gaadi Veera Prema Gadha is gearing up for the actor’s career best release this Friday. According to sources, the movie is 2 hours 22 minutes long with out smoke commercials and rolling titles which is a very convenient time for audience to sit down and enjoy.
In USA, the movie is releasing in 130 screens in 118 Centres, this is the highest ever release for any Nani film in the United States. There are good expectations on the film there as Nani’s previous film, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy did extremely well there.
Andhala Rakshasi fame Hanu Raghavapudi is directing the film. 14 Reels Entertainments which recently tasted flops like Aagadu and 1-Nenokkadine is producing the film. Nani will be seen as a hardcore fan of Balakrishna in the movie.
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