Almost 5,000 guests at a musical event in Kalavad twon of Jamnagar, Gujarat have done the unthinkable. Impressed by a popular singer’s performance at a specially organized musical night for cow protection, the filthy rich music lovers showered the singer with wads and wads of currency notes to the tune of a staggering 4.5 crores.
Headed by Nilesh Sakhiya, a former NRI businessman now resides in Jamnagar, the Kalavad Seva Samiti had recently organized a musical night that featured Gujarati folk songs and bhajans performed by popular local singer Kirtidan Gadhvi. Soon after the singer rendered his soulful melodies and chants, the mesmerized crowd started to show their appreciation by showering currency notes on Kirtidan.
The phenomenon was such that the organizing committee took nearly two days to collect the currency notes of 1000, 500 and 100 denominations and announced that the total amount collected is 4.5 crores. However, the kindhearted singer donated all the money for charity works like cow protection and building of hospitals in the region. Last month, Kirtidan was awarded the best singer award from Gujarat government. He now plans to tour Canada for more musical events.
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