It is known that Manchu Vishnu’s upcoming movie ‘Voter’ has become a big controversy. The issue that has been going on between Vijay Kumar Reddy and director Karthik Reddy and producer Poodota Sudheer has been grabbing the attention of the audience. Recently, director Karthik Reddy has come out and filed a petition in Hyderabad City Civil Court. Karthik Reddy has also submitted long letter to the directors Council.
The letter read, ”I directed Manchu Vishnu’s ‘Sarada’ movie. The story, screenplay and dialogues of the movie are mine. But because of some financial issues, the film got shelved. After that we wanted to direct Dasari Narayana Rao’s ‘Suryudu’ story of Dasari Narayana Rao with Mohan Babu and Manchu Vishnu with the title ‘Senapati’. Both Morni Mohan Babu and Vishnu used to interfere and suggested so many changes in the script.
So, I opted out of the project and at that time, I went to Mohan Babu and said that I failed to utilize this opportunity but I will definitely do a movie with Vishnu. Keeping my word I have written a powerful script for Manchu Vishnu who has okayed the script in a single sitting. Everything went well in the starting but after that Vishnu started to interfere in the story again. He pressurized me to change some scenes. He has also brought some senior writers and tortured me to change the scenes. When I approached Mohan Babu, he said that he will convince Vishnu but ignored it later. Manchu Vishnu has forcibly changed two scenes in the film, but I have kept my ego aside and completed the story.
But now, Vishnu is demanding that I should give the story credit to him. As I didn’t approve of it, he started threatening me. I have immediately taken this issue to Mohan Babu and he again said that he will take care of the issue. But as they have pressurized me, I agreed to give screenplay credits to him but wanted to keep the story and direction credits to myself. But, Manchu Vishnu made a false agreement and made me sign it by threatening me with some bouncers. He hasn’t even given the documents to me and has cheated me in all possible ways. I have a life threat from the Manchu family. Whatever happens to me, the blame will go to Manchu Mohan Babu, Manchu Vishnu, and Vijayakumar Reddy. I request the directors Association to protect me”.
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