If the buzz is to be believed, 1’s making cost will touch Rs. 65 crores, which is going to be the costliest ever film to be made in Telugu till date. Sukumar planned to make this film within Rs. 50 crore budget, but it has overshot due to numerous working days and high quality equipment and technicians involved. However, the producers of this film, who made Dookudu earlier are not at all compromising on the quality of the film.
It can be said that this film is being made on international standards and the makers say that 1 is going to surprise everyone with its mind boggling visuals and technical values. That said 65 crore is a huge investment even on Mahesh Babu’s film. It will be pretty hard to recover the money if the film is anything short of a blockbuster. Taking the confidence of producers into consideration we can expect a sure shot blockbuster in 1, thus proving Mahesh’s numero uno status yet again.
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