Do not read too much between the lines. We are talking about the TV telecast of Balayya’s Sri Rama Rajyam and Mahesh’s Dookudu. Both of them are scheduled to telecast on Sunday in Zee Telugu and MAA TV respectively. Maa TV had aggressively campaigned about the movie telecast for 1 week but backed off at the last movie sensing the danger of losing TRPS. MAA Tv had reportedly got reports that audience are interested in watching Sri Rama Rajyam than Dookudu. They might be in the danger of losing so much of TRPs which will not be good in MAA prospect as Dookudu is being aired on the TV for the first time. Also they have invested so much of money on Dookudu TV rights.
Also the advertisersof the telecast had reportedly threatened to back off as they could not get the required mileage for the amount they invest.So, MAA TV had no other option but to postpone the telecast to June 3rd and had instead telecasted Mahesh Babu’s Pokiri on Sunday.
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