Superstar Mahesh Babu is currently shooting for his upcoming film, Srimanthudu in the direction of Koratala Siva. He will be beginning the shooting of his Brahmothsavam after Srimanthudu. Srikanth Addala is busy setting up the cast and crew for the movie. It is said that for one of the crucial characters in the film, Mahesh Babu wants Singer Sunita.
Usually Sunita do not agree to act in films. Up on so much of pressure, she danced for a promotional song in Sekhar Kammula’s Anamika. But since it is a request from Mahesh himself, Sunita is considering the role.
Samantha and Rakul Preet Singh are said to be the female leads in this film. One more heroine is yet to be finalized. Srikanth Addala earlier directed Mahesh Babu’s super hit film, Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu and so expectations are riding him on this project.
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