Recently when Samantha started praising Mahesh Babu that his popularity has grown manifold in overseas market, Superstar has cut her abruptly. As she stated that Mahesh’s movies are collecting at par with Hollywood movies, he quipped that ‘if people listen to these words they have to go to garage at faster pace’. Well, Prince knows how much Telugu films, especially his films, actually collect in USA and why they shouldn’t be compared to Hollywood releases.
This is just a tip of an iceberg, as Bajana Gangs who repeat such Samantha type flattery buzz like flies around our star heroes. Samantha might have asked the question for fun, but Bajana Gangs are true and real, no pun intended. Recently these gangs have received a beating from Mahesh for misleading him about selecting one particular movie script.
Since a recent flop, the Superstar started distancing those gangs from his office, house and shootings. Namrata is also not allowing any such Bhajana members reach her husband and contaminate his thoughts. As Mahesh is straight away hitting back at such unwanted flattery, some cine-biggies who live on chanting his name are finding tough.
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