Superstar Mahesh Babu has yet again shown his big heart. Mahesh has returned Rs 10 Crore, an advance amount, to producer S Radha Krishna (Chinna Bbabu) as the Son of Satyamurthy producer backed out of a proposed film with Mahesh Babu-Trivikram Srinivas.
While the exact reasons for Radha Krishna dropping from the project are not known, it’s buzzed that Radha Krishna has other commitments which led him to back out. Presently, Mahesh is busy with Brahmotsavam which is expected to release in Summer. After this, Mahesh would be doing film with AR Murugadoss.
Given Mahesh-Trivikram combo delivered hits like Athadu, Khaleja, their next collaboration have sky-rocketing expectations. Now, the big question in the industry is that who will be the lucky producer to bag this golden chance?
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