A new multi-starrer movie starring Mohan Babu, Vishnu Manchu, Manoj Manchu, Varun Sandesh and Tanish as heroes and Bollywood actress Raveen Tandon, Kum Kum, Hansika Motwani and Praneetha as heroines is all set to be launched on April 21st in a grand manner. �Lakshyam� fame Sreevas will wield megaphone for this giant budget prestigious film which will be produced on Sree Lakshmi Prasanna Pictures and 24 Frames Factory banners. For the first time in Telugu cinema, Vishnu Manchu and Manoj Manchu are going to be the joint producers as well as share the screen space together.
The script for this film has been jointly prepared by Kona Venkat, Gopi Mohan and BVS Ravi. Similarly four leading music directors will be working in the music department of this film. Cinematography will be handled by �Gundello Godari� fame Palani Kumar.
According to Vishnu Manchu and Manoj Manchu, the untitled project is a hilarious family entertainer. Aariana and Viviana are the presenters. Stay tuned for more details of this interesting upcoming film.
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