Of late, film stars seem to be in no mood to give in to the bullying ways of their trolls on the internet. First it was Vishakha Singh and Abhishek Bachchan and even our very own Swathi. Latest to join the list is the Rocking Manchu hero, Manoj. This morning, Manoj retweeted a fan’s tweet which congratulated Manoj’s sister and actress, Manchu Lakshmi, for winning the Filmfare award for Best Supporting Actor Female.
Soon, one of the cyber bullies tried to be over smart and tagged Manoj and Lakshmi and tweeted, “LOL paid awards”. Needless to say, this irked the doting Manchu brother and Manoj replied with composure saying, “Awesome then prove us by buying one :)”. This naturally made the bully realize his mistake and quit the conversation.
The recently concluded Filmfare south awards have been under the scanner for some really outlandish choices as the winners and numerous discussions have been carried out by media houses and film lovers. But when the criticism gets personal, no one will be ready to accept it, since keeping calm will only increase the menace.
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