The Telugu hero in question who said to have changed a lot after marriage is none other than Manchu Manoj, younger son of actor Mohan Babu. Manchu Manoj, who recently tied the knot with Pranathi Reddy, was spotted while shooting for his next film. The yet-to-be titled film is being helmed by director Dasaradh who made films like Santosham, Mr Perfect.
Manoj was seen well-dressed in a blue suit and a tie. He also wore right pair of glasses and holding a brief case in one hand which indicates that Manoj was working in a top MNC in his upcoming film. The film’s shoot is currently going on at brisk pace in an engineering college in the outskirts of Hyderabad.
Given that Dasaradh is well-known for showcasing his heroes in soft manner and most of his heroes are gentlemen, businessmen, there’s a curiosity on Manoj’s character after the stills got leaked. Even looks wise, Manoj is looking more mean, lean post marriage. Let’s wait and watch till the film’s release to see how he evolved on acting front.
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