An MP’s request to include “marital rape” in the Indian Constitution’s rape definition was rejected in Rajya Sabha. Responding to the request of DMK MP Kanimozhi, central minister Haribhai Chaudary has made some controversy-prone comments.
He said that the concept of marital rape cannot be applied in India as marriages are considered to be sacred in the society. He said that the Law Commission of India hasn’t made any recommendations to criminalize the marital rape or make any amendments to the IPC [Indian Penal Code].
Earlier, Kanimozhi has raised the topic by iterating the report published by United Nations Population Fund. It was said in the report that more than 75% of the married women in India are subjected to marital rapes and there are no laws in India to combat this. The MP has asked if the government is aware of this study and are ready to make any amendments to the IPC.
The response from central government has raised a new topic for discussion in India. While many of the netizens have expressed their dissent towards the stand of BJP minister, women organizations have started to raise their voice regarding the same!
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