Other day Nagarjuna tweeted, ‘Super excited to start RGV’s cop drama with his intense stylised action on nov20/wanted to announce it myself but the media beat me to it’, indicating that media went ahead of him. But this is not the first time.
Earlier when there was the date of Samantha-Chay wedding doing rounds in media, Nagarjuna said the same thing. Also, he felt that ‘Hello’ first look was leaked in a similar fashion and again media is the one he spoke about for the leakage. But why would media defeat Nagarjuna all the time?
If we could look at things from another side, it is people close to Nagarjuna who are giving all these hints and leaks, and only media is airing them. Back then, a girlfriend of Hello poster designer shared the look on her social media page and that’s how it got into the public. Chay-Sam marriage date was revealed by Chay himself on a TV interview, which made it viral.
This November 20th RGV movie thing, Varma himself shared it on his Facebook page. These are the reasons for media having upper hand over Nagarjuna, but not anything else. Anyway, Nag’s sweet appreciation for media this way is also delighting media folks too!!
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