‘Dhruva’ is an upcoming Telugu movie directed by Surender Reddy. The movie is bankrolled by Allu Aravind under Geetha Arts banner. The movie features Ram Charan and Rakul Preet in lead roles and Chocolate Boy Aravind Swamy will essay role of antagonist.
This movie is an official remake of Tamil Blockbuster ‘Thanioruvan’. Music is composed by Hiphop Tamizha. PS Vinod who worked for ‘Oopiri’ will crank the camera behind the lens. Mohan Raja has written the story and Surender Reddy worked on the screenplay.Nassar and Posani Krishna Murali are part of the cast.
Naveen Nooli will handle the cuts. The team recently revealed that the movie will release on October 7th as planned and there won’t be any changes. To meet the deadline, the team is working at a break neck speed.
Ramcharan has increased the pace of shooting for the movie. As per sources, Charan is spending a lot more time at the sets and is reportedly working with the director to complete his scenes on time. The team has decided to wrap up the whole project by September 5th.
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