Megastar Chiranjeevi’s upcoming film Bholaa Shankar was launched today with a puja ceremony. The joyful occasion was held in presence of the entire cast and crew of the film.
Legendary filmmaker K Raghavendra Rao sounded the clapboard for the muhurtham shot on Chiranjeevi, while VV Vinayak switched on the camera. Directors Koratala Siva, Vamsi Paidipally, Harish Shankar, Bobby, N Shankar, Malineni Gopichand, among others, graced the launch ceremony of Bhola Shankar.
Tamannaah is the leading lady and Keerthy Suresh plays Chiranjeevi’s sister in the film. The regular shoot of the film begins from the 15th of this month.
Directed by Meher Ramesh, the film is produced by Ramabrahmam Sunkara under Anil Sunkara’s AK Entertainments, in association with Creative Commercials. Bhola Shankar, which will release in theatres in 2022, has music by Mahati Swara Sagar while Dudley cranks the camera.
MEGA? @KChiruTweets
& @MeherRamesh's#BholaaShankar?
Launched with a grand Pooja ceremony ?#BholaaShankarLaunch
?#KoratalaSiva @directorvamshi @harish2you @megopichand @dirbobby @IamNShankar
?on #VVVinayak@AnilSunkara1 @AKentsOfficial @tamannaahspeaks— AK Entertainments (@AKentsOfficial) November 11, 2021
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