Majlis Party had started communal politics regarding Vikaruddin Encounter that happened in Telangana on Tuesday. Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi called for a Press meet a short while ago along with some Muslim Religious heads. He called the encounter as state sponsored Murders.
They allege that the Under-trial Vikaruddin and four others were killed in retaliation to the killing of 3 Policemen in Nalgonda few days. They demand a Magestrial inquiry or CBI investigation to unearth the facts. Owaisi also announced a delegation of Muslim heads meeting Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao very soon on this issue.
While the Encounter is fake or real, Justifiable or not is all together a different topic, bringing religious heads in to the issue is totally unwarranted as Terrorists can not be related to a religion. Every religion should disown bigots and national traitors like Vikaruddin. Meanwhile the main opposition party Congress also demands a probe in to the encounter terming it as a Fake Encounter
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