Vijayawada MP Kesineni Nani today met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Parliament Bhavan this morning. The Vijayawada MP explained the Prime Minister how he managed to convince Tata Trust to adopt 264 villages in his constituency.
Modi praised Kesineni’s efforts and asked every MP to take a cue from the Telugu Desam Party MP. He even called for the corporates to come forward to adopt more and more villages as part of their Corporate Responsibility Scheme.
It is known that recently Modi government rolled out the adoption of Adarsh Villages to all the MPs of the country. Each ‘adarsh village’ should have piped drinking water, connectivity to the main road, electricity supply to all households, library, telecom and broadband connectivity including CCTVs in public areas. The scheme is already a big hit with all the MPs adopting a village or two in their constituencies.
The village adopted in 2014 should become an ‘adarsh village’ by 2016. After developing it in three years, the Lok Sabha MPs will have to adopt another two villages for development. Recently Andhra Pradesh government also rolled out similar scheme for the adoption of wards, municipalities and villages by the rich and NRIs.
However the scheme is not success in the truncated state as the government had not given enough publicity for the scheme so that the rich can come forward.
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