Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to visit Andhra Pradesh on January 8th, marking his first trip to the state since the NDA government came to power in June 2019. His visit holds special significance as there are high expectations surrounding the fulfillment of key promises made during the election campaign. Among the most anticipated promises is the establishment of a Railway Zone in Vishakapatnam, a long-standing demand of the people of Uttarandhra.
Modi is expected to lay the foundation stone for the Railway Zone, with Vishakapatnam designated as its headquarters, during a ceremony at the AU Engineering College grounds. This event has been carefully planned by the state government, with Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu and railway authorities taking steps to ensure all necessary preparations are in place. The Railway Zone project, which has faced delays for years due to political factors and previous administrative inertia, is now on track to move forward under the current leadership.
The establishment of a new railway zone in Vishakapatnam was included as one of the key provisions in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act of 2014, which came into effect after the state was bifurcated. In February 2019, the central government had announced the creation of the South Coast Railway Zone, with Vishakapatnam as its headquarters. However, progress on the project was hindered due to the previous government’s failure to transfer the required land to the railway department, preventing the project from moving forward.
With the NDA government in power both at the Centre and in Andhra Pradesh, hopes have been revived, particularly in Uttarandhra. Under Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu’s leadership, steps have been taken to expedite the project. Recently, tenders have been called for the construction of the General Manager’s office in Vizag, marking the beginning of work on the long-awaited project. The total cost of establishing the South Coast Railway Zone is estimated at ₹149 crore, with a target completion time of two years.
The South Coast Railway Zone will comprise the divisions of Guntakal, Guntur, and Vijayawada, with Vishakapatnam serving as the central hub. As part of the restructuring, one section of the Waltair division is expected to be merged with the Rayagada division of the East Coast Railway, while the remaining portions will be integrated with the Vijayawada division.
This visit by Prime Minister Modi and the commencement of the Railway Zone project are expected to bring much-needed development and job opportunities to the region, marking a significant milestone in the fulfillment of promises made to the people of Andhra Pradesh.
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