Anantapur MP JC Diwakar Reddy, who is known for his outspokenness, has come down heavily on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Diwakar Reddy, along with several other TDP MPs , were dragged away by cops on Sunday morning when he was trying to do a peaceful protest outside Prime Minister’s official residence in New Delhi.
Diwakar Reddy has spoken to media and made sort of sensational comments against Narendra Modi. “Modi would understand the problems of people if he had a wife and children. Modi doesn’t know love. I urge him to know love. First let him learn how to love people. He should adopt children and raise them to understand what people go through.”
These comments of JC Diwakar Reddy have got huge welcome from several people of Andhra, Rayalaseema who are indeed fed up with Narendra Modi’s government and his blatant lies, gross injustice done to the state of Andhra Pradesh.Meanwhile, Diwakar Reddy maintained his remarks against Modi and reiterated once again that Modi should only know people’s sufferings if he has a little bit of love in his heart.
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