Salman Khan, who entertained all with his sedate performance in Bajrangi Bhaaijaan, shocked all by creating controversy with his tweets supporting Yakub Memon, brother of Tiger Memon, who was sentenced to death by Supreme Court in 1993 Mumbai blasts case.
Following huge uproar, criticism from his father Salim Khan and also protests carried out by BJP in front of his house, he reluctantly deleted his tweets tendering unconditional apology.
But Salman is not the only one who came in support of terrorist Yakub Memon. Controversial MIM MP Asauddin Owaisi, BJP’s own Shatrughn Sinha, filmaker Mahesh Bhatt and many others submitted a petition to President to consider Yakub’s mercy petition.
Now Collection King Mohan Babu, who is known for his frank and bold talk came in support of Salman Khan. Mohan Babu in his twitter tweeted “A section of media and people should stop witch hunting @BeingSalmanKhan. He said nothing different from what many M.Ps have said. If he is wrong and so are all the parliamentarians who raised the same issue. Let this man @BeingSalmanKhan enjoy his success.”
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