In the golden days where melodies used to flow in Tollywood movies, director used to have final say in finalising the star cast and crew for the film. However now trends are changed and industry is witnessing music directors dancing to the tunes of top heroes. Now almost all the films are being shared by few music directors like Devi Sri Prasad, Thaman, Manisharma, Mickey J Meyer, Keeravani, Chakri etc. Though there are many other talented musical directors they are fading out due to lack of opportunities after doing one or two films.
This is because heroes are not looking towards them and are not keen in trying out new talent. One may wonder what hero has got to do with music directors. However the trend is only hero is having final say in finalising music directors for their films and as almost all the heroes are settling for top and renowned directors like Devi Sri Prasad, Thaman, Manisharma, Mickey J Meyer, Keeravani, Chakri etc others are not getting any opportunities. Movie lovers and film critics also feel that since all the films are scored by these select few, monotony is on rise in tollywood music and songs.
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