Geetha Reddy, wife of arrested Kodangal MLA Revanth Reddy, has said that her husband anticipated this kind of cunning ploys by his political arch rival and Telangana CM KCR. Speaking to the media for the first time after her husband’s arrest in the cash for vote bribery scandal, Geetha said that her entire family is shocked and dejected that KCR’s harassment has hit them all of a sudden.
Alleging that KCR is scared of Revnath’s popularity among the TDP cadre and the region’s voters, Geetha said that he resorted to trapping Revanth Reddy for coming in the way of his looting the state. Geetha further said that the TRS Chief could not tolerate Revanth’s timely public attacks on his political discrepancies and corruption.
Geetha Reddy also reminded that KCR got Revanth suspended twice from the assembly and that he finally trapped him in a false case that ruined the family’s happiness during their most pleasant times. It is well known that Revanth-Geetha’s daughter, Nymisha Reddy, was supposed to get engaged on 11th June.
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