Director Shanmugha Raja, popularly known as Mysskin, has always been recognized for his unique filmmaking style and unconventional approach. However, the director recently stirred controversy with his remarks about legendary music composer Ilayaraja. Speaking at the event for the film Bottle Radha, Mysskin claimed that Ilayaraja’s music had led many people to alcoholism. Following backlash, he later issued an apology for his comments.
Actor Vishal strongly criticized Mysskin for his remarks and his subsequent apology. Addressing the media, Vishal stated, “It has become a habit, and what can we do about it?” He further added that some individuals cannot change their nature.
Vishal emphasized that Ilayaraja’s music has brought hope and healing to countless individuals, helping them overcome depression. He asserted that Ilayaraja’s compositions are deeply ingrained in people’s lives and that no one has the right to make such disrespectful statements about the maestro.
Previously, at the teaser launch of Bad Girl, Mysskin had issued a public apology to lyricist Thamarai, filmmaker Lenin Bharathi, actor Aruldoss, director Lakshmy Ramakrishnan, and producer Thanu. He clarified that his remarks had been misunderstood and were intended to be humorous.
Interestingly, Mysskin and Vishal share a professional history, with Mysskin having directed Vishal in the critically acclaimed film Thupparivaalan. However, this recent controversy has highlighted a strained relationship between the two.
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