King Nagarjuna and Tamil actor Karthi’s bilingual film is currently being canned in Europe. The makers have completed 15 days schedule there and they have 10 more days shooting there. Nagarjuna himself revealed this update and also posted a pic of him, Karthi and Tamannah.
Dosth is the title in consideration for the movie. The makers have already registered the title with the film chamber. The first look of the movie may be released after the conclusion of Europe schedule. Plans are on to release the movie for Sankranthi 2016.
Yevadu fame Vamshi Paidipally is wielding megaphone for this film. Potluri Vara Prasad is producing the film on his PVP Cinemas banner. Malayalam Music director, Gopi Sunder is scoring the music. Senior Cinematographer PS Vinod is cranking the camera.
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