Actor-producer-TV host Naga Babu has done something unusual by touching the feet of lyricist Sirivennela Sitaramasastri during the audio launch of Mukunda. Calling Sitaramasastri as his “Elder Brother”, Naga Babu stated, “I usually don’t touch anyone’s feet but very few are exception and one among them is Sirivennela Sitaramasastri annayya.
He had penned all songs in my debut production venture and after longtime he again did it for the acting debut of my son Varun Tej. It’s perhaps my fate. Varun Tej and I are fortunate annayya. Your writing itself is blessing for Varun,” said Naga Babu. Naga Babu has touched the feet of Sirivennela Sitaramasastri as Chiru looked on.
In fact, many on the dais were moved and a bit stunned as Naga Babu usually avoid such acts. “For the first time, publicly, Naga Babu became very emotional as it marks the debut of his son. He touched feet of Sitaramasatri garu and conveyed his respect towards him,” shared an industry source.
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