Naga Babu’s recent mocking at Nandamuri Balakrishna, saying that he does not know who ‘Balayya Babu’, has gone very popular in media and no one from the film industry, not even from Balakrishna’s camp responded on it due to obvious reasons.
It is understood by all that Naga Babu said so in counter to Balayya’s comment on Pawan Kalyan in the same way and looks like Naga Babu is not done with it yet. The Mega brother shared yet another video, this time with a child singing ‘Saare Jahan Se Acha’ beautifully.
Now it is not rocket science to relate Naga Babu’s new video to ‘Bul Bul’ trolls on Balakrishna’s election campaign where the latter tried to pick and repeat words of ‘Saare Jahan Se Acha’ but ended up as food for trolls with stumbled words.
With the ongoing keyboard wars between Mega and Nandamuri fans with Naga Babu’s earlier comments, the latest one is fueling them up.
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