Film maker Sekhar Kammula shared an update of his forthcoming film via social media lately. The director shared the new poster of ‘Love Story’ on Twitter and furthermore declared the teaser release date of the much-discussed film, Love Story, that it will be revealed on January 10, 2021. This news has got fans of Love Story super keyed up.
As promised, the makers have delivered the teaser today. Naga Chaitanya apparently seem to be enthralled about it and also tweeted on this ocassion.
“Here’s #Lovestoryteaser for you all…hope you enjoy the glimpse of this journey as much as I did!”, and dropped the link for his followers. The response was massive from the netizens as it already garnered above 1K retweets within minutes.
Here’s #Lovestoryteaser for you all … hope you enjoy the glimpse of this journey as much as I did ! ?
.@sai_pallavi92 @sekharkammula@SVCLLP #AmigosCreations @AsianSuniel @pawanch19 @adityamusic @NiharikaGajula— chaitanya akkineni (@chay_akkineni) January 10, 2021
In the one minute teaser, we get to see a glimpse of the love story between lovers Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi in a middle class family backdrop. Nag Chaitanya as an ambitious dance master falls in love with Sai Pallavi and also urges to quit her software engineer job. A mellow music followed by the song “Aasa nirasalu” composed by Pawan Ch uplifted the mood on the whole.
The film is bankrolled by Narayan Das Narang and P. Ram Mohan Rao under Shree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP banner.
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