Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi are sharing the screen for the first time in Shekar Kammula’s film ‘Love Story’. The recently released song ‘Ay Pilla’ has garnered the much-needed love and support for the film and is thus played on repeat mode on FM’s and Music Channels.
The latest buzz doing rounds in the Film Nagar is, Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi shook their legs for a dance number and Naga Chaitanya couldn’t match her and thus took 10-20 takes for that sequence. Sai Pallavi who is an elegant dancer is known for her moves with speed and grace. Her dance numbers in films ‘Maari 2’ and ‘Fidaa’ have hit millions of views on YouTube. The makers have found it really difficult to film the dance number but Naga Chaitanya is said to have given his best and somehow tried to match Sai Pallavi.
‘Love Story’ songs are composed by Pawan Kumar CH, who worked as an assistant to AR Rahman and thus created his mark with the recently out first single ‘Ay Pilla’. The lyrics were written by Chaithanya Pingali and singers like Haricharan, Nakul Abhayankar, and Hiral Viradia crooned it. Hope the makers picturize the film well and make it ready for release.
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