Young actor Naga Shaurya’s upcoming sports drama Lakshya, which is one of the most anticipated movies in Tollywood, has finally locked its release date. The makers today announced that the film will hit the screens on November 12, 2021.
The makers took to social media and shared a new poster to announce the release date details. In the latest poster, the actor is seen in a shirtless look, flaunting her chiseled body.
Announcing the release date, Naga Shaurya wrote, “Finally the time is here to lift my Recurve. All set to let fly my arrow on,12th of November.”
The shooting of the Lakshya was wrapped up in August. The film is currently in the post-production stage. Directed by Santhosh Jagarlapudi, the film stars Ketika Sharma as the female lead.
Kaala Bhairava will be composing music for the film. It is produced by Narayana Das Narang, Ram Mohan Rao and Sharrath Marar under Sri Venkateswara Cinemas LLP., and Northstar Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. banners respectively.
Finally the time is here to lift my Recurve☺️
All set to let fly my arrow on,
12th of November ?#Lakshya?#LakshyaonNov12th#KetikaSharma @IamJagguBhai @SVCLLP @nseplofficial @Santhosshjagar1 @kaalabhairava7 @AsianSuniel @sharrath_marar @RaamDop @adityamusic
— Naga Shaurya (@IamNagashaurya) September 27, 2021
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