BJP leader Nagam Janardhan Reddy seems to be readying new powerful weapon to strike at CM KCR and ruling TRS government. Buzz is that Nagam is planning to form a new forum named Bachao Telangana.
Nagam is planning to make eminent personalities who played key role during Telangana movement and later faded into oblivion. Former MLA Yennam Srinivas Reddy will be playing key role in the forum.Yennam says forum will have all people cutting across political parties. He said the forum will play the role of JAC at present. It is comingout that forum will have its office in Basheer Bagh, Hyderabad.
Sources say Nagam arrived at the decision as he felt that he cannot act aggressively being in BJP and this will be suicidal for him politically. Wonder what impact he create with his new.
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