Nagarjuna and Veteran director Raghavender Rao who churned out devotional classics like Annamaya, Shri Ramadasu and Shirdi Sai are teaming up for the fourth venture. This time it is going to be the story of Lord Venkateswara titled Om Namo Venkatesaya.
The script work for the film is almost complete. Nagarjuna is planning to begin this new project in January next year after completing his current projects – Soggade Chinni Nayana and Oopiri – Bilingual film with Karthi.
MM Keeravani who scored excellent music for all the previous devotional films is also composing music for this film. A.Mahesh Reddy who produced Nagarjuna’s Shirdi Sai may also produce this film under his AMR Sai Krupa Entertainments banner. More details of this project later.
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