For the second consecutive day on Thursday, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu sought to provoke his Telangana counterpart, saying his party would fight tooth and nail against the anti-people policies of the TRS government.
Though Naidu appeared to have extended an olive branch to KCR asking him to come forward for talks on the post-bifurcation disputes in order to maintain cordial relations between the people of both the States, he said that his party would wage a battle against the anti-people policies of the TRS Government.
He strongly opposed KCR’s decision to take over part of Osmania University lands for housing purposes. “We shall not allow the TRS to go ahead with the move,” he said.
Naidu also warned of an agitation against injustice meted out to artistes who participated in the Telangana movement.
“We will fight till justice is done to eligible artistes who are now on the agitational path,” he said.
Naidu expressed confidence that the TDP would come to power in 2019 elections in Telangana and asked the party workers in Telangana to fight for the people’s cause and assured them the support of the local leaders and the party.
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