Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu, on Wednesday, took part in global technology giant Microsoft’s ‘Decoded conference’ in Mumbai which was also attended by company CEO Satya Nadella. The new age CM, who always had large penchant for digital push, updated technologies and online services, once again echoed his views and vision to make AP a digital equipped state at the earliest and tried to impress Microsoft CEO with this presentation.
Speaking at the event, Mr Naidu said, ‘The overall economy of newly formed state is USD100 billion now and we are aiming to make it USD946 billion by 2029 and at the same time, USD145 billion investments are our target’. Briefing about the utilization of Microsoft application services and Andhra Pradesh is cloud first state, Chandrababu said, ‘over 62,000 police officials in AP are connected via Kaizala application that helps to monitor and work on the day to day complaints and administration’ and he added that ‘we want to create 14.4 million jobs.’
In his speech, CEO Nadella also shared his views and company’s interest to work with state government and aid Andhra Pradesh in all possible digital ways. He launched LinkedIn Lite and Skype Lite and Project Sangam, to platform all corporate jobs at one place for Indians.
In a bilateral meeting with Satya Nadella, the CM has reportedly sought company’s assistance in hybrid cloud computing, realtime governance, digital services and also Skype Lite, a new product that was announced by CEO to help Indians access using Aadhar ID and registered mobile number.
What’s more? – After a brief chat with Nadella, Babu sat down with Yes Bank CEO Rana Kapoor, who expressed interest in setting up FinTech Park in new capital Amaravati and working along with state government. Apart from participating in Microsoft event, the Andhra Pradesh CM signed a couple of Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with multi national companies like Thompson Reuters and Visa.
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