Known for his commitment driven with passion, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram never gives up despite taking big blows with flop films. Though he incurred huge losses recently with ‘Om 3D’, he is now trying to bounce back more strongly. Coming up with ‘Pataas’, Kalyan Ram wrapped the flick in record time as he is getting ready for a December release if possible.
Directed by Anil Ravipudi, Pataas features Kalyan Ram in a stylish cop role. Already the recently released motion poster of the flick garnered huge attention. Rather giving scope for experiments, it is heard that the Nandamuri hero has worked heavily on the commercial elements. As the shooting got completed already, audio release is being planned for December 1st week and the film might hit screens in last week of December. This flick’s success is crucial for our Nandamuri hero as he tastes bitter on a row.
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