Natural Star Nani had completed a hat-trick of successes with his last three films – Bhale Bhale Magadivoy, Krishna Gaadi Veera Prema Gadha and Gentleman. He is currently shooting of his next in the direction of Uyyala Jampala fame Virinchi Varma and will begin his other film in the direction of Cinema Chupistha Mava fame Trinadha Rao Nakkina in the next month.
The film will have its launch on August 15th as Independence day special and the regular shooting will begin after Virinchi Varma’s film is complete. ‘Nenu Local’ is the title in consideration for this rustic drama. Andhala Rakshasi fame Naveen Chandra is chosen to play the villain in the film.
The film will be extensively shot in Kurnool, Guntur and Vijayawada. The location scouting is currently underway. Keerthy Suresh will romance Nani in the movie. Dil Raju will be producing the film on his Sri Venkateswara Creations Banner. Devi Sri Prasad will be composing music for the film and this is his first time for Nani.
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