After a lot of dilly dallying, finally, actor Nani’s new movie to be directed by Hanu Raghavpudi was formally launched. The film’s muhurat was held on Monday and the yet-to-be titled film is being produced by 14 Reels Entertainment. Initially, Rana was supposed to team up with Hanu for this project, but since he’s stuck with two big films – Rudhramadevi and Baahubali, he opted out of the project. With this, Hanu roped in Nani for this fresh romantic entertainer.
Hanu Raghavapudi made a decent debut in 2012 with romantic drama Andala Rakshasi. The movie was critically acclaimed and it fared decently at the ticket windows. Starring newcomers then, it turned out to be a good film and the film’s music became instant hit. Now that Hanu joined his forces with Nani, expectations are high. In addition big production house like 14 Reels Entertainment joining the team, it boosted the film’s prospects in trade circles.
In a statement, production house said, “Happy to announce that we held pooja for our Production No. 7 today starring Actor Nani & Directed by Hanu! This film will bring together a young and bright team consisting of DOP Yuvaraj (assisted Ratnavelu for Robo & 1-Nenokkadine), Music Director Vishal (protege of A.R. Rahman’s Music School in Chennai & scored music for scores of short films, ad jingles and Santosh Sivan’s critically acclaimed ‘Inam’), Editing by Nandi Award winning MR Varma, Art by Avinash who will all give the movie a very promising look together. The entire team is charged up to give you all very fresh romantic entertainer.”
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