The upcoming film of the Nara’s Stylish Hero Rohith, Asura, has been applauded for the innovative title design and the trailer that is so much intensified. Nara Rohith who plays a cop role in the Asura has turned into a Producer.
Speaking about his alternative profession if not acting he said “If not an actor, I would have been a Producer. I have been waiting for this moment for so long. The delay only helped me understand the process of film making better.”
He gave clarity that Asura and Rowdy fellow are two different movies. They do not link each other at any point of time even though both are cop stories.
Rohith also revealed Chandrababu’s advise to him to make out and out commercial movies so that the whole family can enjoy watching it. He said that Chandrababu watched all his movies except Prathinidhi and Rowdy Fellow.
He also responded about his debut directors secret, he said “New Directors are approaching me with stories as they believe I will suit them. If Star Directors believe I was apt to play the lead in their films, I have no qualms teaming up with them.”
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