On the occasion of Telugu New Year, hero Nara Rohit launched his new film ‘Shabdham’ in Amaravati. Rohit will be seen essaying a mute person’s role in the movie. The catch phrase “His Silence is his Weapon” raises curiosity about the film’s theme.
We have exclusively learned that Shabdham’s makers are planning to rope in talented Malayali actress Nivetha Thomas as the leading lady opposite Nara Rohit. Preliminary discussions are already on and more clarity on Nivetha’s casting will emerge soon.
Surprisingly, Nivetha, after appearing in two much talked about movies last year – Ninnu Kori and Jai Lava Kusa – has not signed any new film until now as she has been concentrating on her academics. PB Manjunath is directing Shabdham and Atluri Narayana Rao is producing the movie.
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