Nara Rohit’s upcoming movie ‘Okkadine’ shooting is nearing completion. The movie shoot is complete except for a song which will be shot in this month itself. Recently, the movie unit had shot an item song on Rohit and Rachana Mourya. It is the famous item song ‘Puttintollu Tarimesaru Kattukunnodu vadhilesadu…’ from NTR’s Vetagadu. Rachana Mourya along with 70 models had shook legs for this song for which the famous item girl Jaya Malini danced in the original.
Nitya Menen is playing the female lead in the movie. The movie is being produced by C.V.Reddy and is being directed by Srinivas Raga. Senior actor Nagababu is playing a key role in this movie. Singer Karthik is first time turning in to music director with this movie.
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