Bad financial position of the producers had hampered the movie release of Nara Rohit’s Okkadine for more than 2 months now. The movie is ready for release but is lying in labs since then due to some financial issues. And now we hear that the makers have come out of that mess and the movie is finally hitting the screens on February 14th on Valentine’s day. The movie will now have to lock horns with Prabhas’ Mirchi, Gundello Godari, Siddharth’s Jabardasth which are all releasing this month.
Srinivasa Raga of Katha fame had wielded megaphone for this movie. Sai Kumar, Chandra Mohan, Kota and Ali play important roles in this film, which has soundtrack provided by Karthik. Chintapalli Ramana is penning the dialogues.
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