After a brief hiatus, Nayantara is said to be returning to Telugu film industry. Buzz is that Nayantara is being considered for Venkatesh’s next film. Apparently, makers have contacted Nayan and she said to have given her consent. Yet to be titled, Kranthi Madhav, of Malli Malli Idi Rani Roju, Onamalu fame, will be wielding the megaphone.
Kranthi sometime back narrated story to Venkatesh to which the Gopala Gopala actor impressed and agreed to do the film. Given that Kranthi is sensible director and known for making decent film where families could watch together, Venky thought Kranthi would be good bet.
Last time, Nayan was seen in Sekhar Kammula’s Anamika which was a Telugu-Tamil bilingual. Prior to it, she paired up with Rana in Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum. If Nayan makes a comeback with Venky film, she might get more offers as there is a great dearth for heroines in the industry at the moment. Looks like, Nayan fans have a reason to cheer.
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