Following the success of his Amazon Prime series “Dhootha,” Akkineni Naga Chaitanya is gearing up for his next film, the intense action drama “Thandel.” Directed by Chandoo Mondeti and produced by Bunny Vas under Geetha Arts, the movie has generated significant buzz with its intriguing premise and talented cast.
The recently released “Essence of Thandel” trailer garnered positive reactions from both critics and audiences, praising Chaitanya’s portrayal of a rugged fisherman and director Mondeti’s vision. Further fueling excitement, the team recently announced the completion of a key shooting schedule in a scenic village.
A set of behind-the-scenes photos offer a glimpse into the production process. We see Chaitanya and co-star Sai Pallavi naturally embodying their roles, director Mondeti meticulously guiding the actors, and an overall positive atmosphere on set. These visuals captivate fans eager to see the final product on the big screen.
Allu Aravind presents the film, with music by Rockstar Devi Sri Prasad. Bunny Vas produces, Shamdat Sainudeen handles cinematography, and Navin Nooli edits. Story writer Kartheek Theeda and art designer Srinagendra Tangala contribute to the creative team.
Release date details are yet to be revealed, but shooting progresses at a steady pace with regular updates promised.
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