Earlier, Megastar Chiranjeevi and Prabhas thanked AP Chief Minister YS Jagan, following the arrival of the new G.O pertaining to the hiked ticket prices.
Now, superstar Mahesh Babu has thanked YS Jagan for the new G.O and his tweet is now going viral.
“My heartfelt thanks to the CM of AP Sri @ysjagan garu for hearing our concerns and addressing them through the new G.O and revised ticket rates. ??
We look forward to mutually strong and healthy support between the govt. and the TFI in the days to come @perni_nani garu.” Mahesh Babu tweeted.
Notably, Mahesh was also one of the Tollywood stars who met with YS Jagan earlier this year to discuss ticket price issue and other complications faced by Tollywood.
My heartfelt thanks to the CM of AP Sri @ysjagan garu for hearing our concerns and addressing them through the new G.O and revised ticket rates. ??
We look forward to a mutually strong and healthy support between the govt. and the TFI in the days to come @perni_nani garu. ?
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) March 8, 2022
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