Regina Cassandra and Nivetha Thomas’ upcoming Telugu action film has been titled Saakini Dhaakini. Directed by Sudheer Varma, the film is an official remake of Korean action-thriller Midnight Runners.
The makers of the film announced the title, on the occasion of actress Nivetha Thomas’ birthday. The shoot of Saakini Daakini has been completed and post-production works are currently underway.
Midnight Runners is an investigative thriller that tells the story of two students at a police academy and how they bust a gang of human traffickers.
While the 2017 Korean action-comedy featured two male actors in the lead, the Telugu remake will feature two leading ladies in the titular roles. The film is bankrolled by Suresh Productions.
Ohh ho! Ocheshnaam!!
SAAKINI DAAKINI! correcte!!?Iga ichchchipaadeshude ???
under @SureshProdns @gurufilms1 @kross_pictures
Directed by @sudheerkvarma@ReginaCassandra @MikeyMcCleary1 @rip_apart @SunithaTati @SBDaggubati #SaakiniDaakini
— Nivetha Thomas (@i_nivethathomas) November 2, 2021
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