Rumours were abuzz in Bollywood that like her counterparts Amitabh Bachchan and Madhuri Dixit, Athiloka Sundari Sridevi is all set to have a wax replica of herself made at the famous Madame Tussauds soon.
While Sridevi remained unavailable for comment, her husband, producer Boney Kapoor, denies any such development. He says, “This is news to us. I’ve also been reading reports about Sridevi being immortalized at the wax museum, but this untrue. We haven’t received any official letter or call regarding this.” Bobby Khan, who has played a big role in bringing Bollywood celebs to Madame Tussauds, also says he’s unaware of any such developments.
Sridevi is making her comeback in a Tamil-Telugu-Hindi trilingual, English Vinglish is ready for release on October 5th.
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