Yesterday, during a tragic road mishap, Tollywood’s young actor Sudhakar Komakula, popularly known for his role in ‘Life is Beautiful’, is said to have hit a woman on the roadside that leads to her demise. It is also known that the actor was also injured in an accident.
The actor, who will soon be seen in a lead role in Nuvvu Thopura film, is all busy with his promotions. This unfortunate incident took place in the midst of his promotional activities when the actor was travelling to Guntur from Hyderabad.
The woman who died has been identified as Lakshmi, a local resident of Mangalgiri Mandal. The news was on rife that Sudhakar was himself driving the car during the accident, however, the actor rubbished those rumours and clarified that he was not driving the car and he sat on the front passenger seat.
While interacting with the media in Film Chamber today, Sudhakar said that car has first hit the truck and he was not the one who’s driving. “Hope people realize the truth. The public is blaming me for the death of the lady. Her demise has saddened me but I’m not the reason behind this,” he added. He, later on, said that driver is currently under treatment in ICU and also assured to help Lakshmi’s family member on financial matters.
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